Prize Home Draw 544 Results

Congratulations to the winner of Draw 544
M of Sunnybank Hills Qld 4109
A single level home with a gated arbor trellis with jasmine and white picket fence.

Draw 544 1st Prize Winner

Winner: M of Sunnybank Hills Qld 4109 | Ticket No. 143050
1st Prize Value: $2,573,866

myplace Bonus Draws

myplace 2nd Chance Draw - $10,000
G of Butler WA 6036 | Ticket No. 323760

myplace $50K Member Bonus Draw
R of Gungahlin ACT 2912 | Ticket No. 097304

544 Bonus Draws

2 for $2K Tuesday Bonus Draw - $2,000
C of Pinkenba QLD 4008 | Ticket No. 169241

Early Bird Bonus Prize - $10,000
K of Magra TAS 7140 | Ticket No. 279140

Last Chance Bonus Prize - $5,000
G of Enfield SA 5085 | Ticket No. 005049

Brisbane Office, Suite 5, Cordova Street, Milton QLD 4064