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myplace membership terms and conditions

1. Introduction

myplace members are defined as supporters who are registered with yourtown (ABN 11 102 379 386) for automatic purchases of ticket/s in each Luxury Prize Home Draw or Prestige Car Draw, of which there are 10 Prize Home Draws and 6 Prestige Car Draws each calendar year.


2. Registration

To register as a myplace member, you consent to providing your full name, address, contact phone numbers and credit card/payment details to yourtown. myplace members nominate the ticket quantity per draw which determines the spend amount for their automatic ticket purchase through any one of the following methods:

a. Online – yourtownprizehomes.com.au/cart
b. Free Post – yourtown, Reply Paid 2944, Brisbane QLD 4001 (Australia Only)
Other countries – yourtown, GPO Box 2944, Brisbane QLD 4001 Australia Phone – Australia: 1800 555 079 (Toll Free except from mobile phones)
New Zealand – 0800 441 206 (Toll Free)
All other countries - +61 7 3368 3399
c. For direct debit setup, please download our direct debit form (direct debit available in Australia only)

In registering as a myplace member, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and accept that you will be bound by these terms and conditions.

When you sign up to become a myplace member, you are entering into an agreement for yourtown to make automated payments from your nominated account each Draw. This is considered by the Australian Payments Clearing Association as a recurring payment arrangement.

Under a recurring payment agreement, it is your responsibility to manage your account and notify yourtown when your credit card details change – including a change of card number and/or change of card expiry date. The expiration of the credit card does not automatically cancel the regular payment agreement and you must still contact yourtown directly to cancel your myplace membership. You can update your account details or cancel your myplace membership through any one of the following methods:

a. Online: yourtownprizehomes.com.au/my-account/account-details
b. Email: support@yourtown.com.au
c. Phone: 1800 555 079 or +61 7 3368 3399


3. Ticket Allocation

a. Each Art Union you will receive your nominated number of ticket/s equalling the value of your automatic spend amount (‘ticket subscription’)
b. Each Luxury Prize Home Art Union runs for approximately 5-6 weeks and each Prestige Car Art Union runs for approximately 8-9 weeks
c. Your credit card will be charged, or in the case of direct payments your nominated bank account will be debited, to the value of your automatic spend amount a couple of days after the previous Luxury Prize Home Draw and Prestige Car Art Union Close (or on the day each Art Union opens). You should receive your ticket/s within 10 working days of each valid transaction:

  • Mail – within 10 working days (regional areas may take longer)
  • Email – within one day

A myplace draw calendar can be requested by contacting yourtown. This lists approximate bank withdrawal dates, the Draw dates as well as all additional Bonus Draws. The calendar is also available at yourtownprizehomes.com.au/myplace


4. Changing Membership Details

You can change your membership details by logging into your account at yourtownprizehomes.com.au or calling our Customer Experience Centre:
Australia – 1800 554 054 (Toll Free except from mobile phones)
New Zealand – 0800 441 206 (Toll Free)
All other countries - +61 7 3368 3399


5. Responsible Gaming

For information on how to play responsibly, call the Gambling Hotline on 1800 858 858 (Aust Only) or online at https://gamblinghelpline.org.au. Members must be 18 years of age to purchase tickets.


6. Privacy

a. yourtown is committed to protecting and securing your privacy and the personal information provided to us
b. All personal information collected and held by yourtown is protected in accordance with privacy legislation and the Australian Privacy Principles
c. yourtown only collects supporter’s personal information for the purposes identified below, and to comply with gaming legislation in the various States and Territories where the Art Union operates. Personal information is collected in a fair and lawful manner at all times
d. Supporter’s right to opt-out:
From time to time, promotional offers and special events will be communicated to
supporters through direct marketing and other channels. Supporters have the right
to opt-out of these communications and can do so through any one of the
options listed below:

  • Free Post – yourtown, Reply Paid 2944, Brisbane QLD 4001 (Australia only)
  • Post - Other countries – yourtown, GPO Box 2944, Brisbane QLD 4001 Australia
  • Online – yourtownprizehomes.com.au/my-account/account-details
  • Phone Australia – 1800 500 101 (Toll Free except from mobile phones)
  • All other countries - +61 7 3368 3399
  • Clicking on the unsubscribe link contained at the bottom of promotional emails
  • Using the unsubscribe link in SMS’s

e. What kind of personal information is collected?
yourtown collects and holds the following personal information:

  • Full name and address
  • Contact details – home phone, mobile, email address 
  • Payment details – credit card number and expiry date
  • Date of birth (to verify supporter is 18+ years)
  • Title
  • Transaction details associated with the purchase of yourtown Art Union tickets and Donations

f. Purpose for collection:
yourtown collects supporter’s personal information for the primary purpose of fundraising, which includes recording and processing of yourtown Art Union ticket sales and donations. Supporter’s personal information is also used for the secondary purpose of marketing, planning, product development and research

g. Use and disclosure:

Personal information collected by yourtown will only be used for the purpose it was collected and will not be disclosed to any person, body or agency unless we have your consent or where it is required by law. yourtown will not use or disclose or permit the use or disclosure of personal supporter information that could be used to identify an individual supporter in any circumstances except: 

  • To ensure the proper functioning of the yourtown operation
  • Where the personal supporter information is to be used by a retained agent for marketing, planning, product development and research
  • When yourtown is required by law to disclose the personal supporter information
  • When the supporter has consented to the use or disclosure
h. Cross-Border disclosure:
Your personal information is not sent overseas, and is used only by yourtown
i. Security of personal information yourtown undertakes all reasonable steps necessary to ensure that supporter information is secure from any unauthorised access or disclosure
j. Supporter access to personal information
You may ask for access to your information by:
  • emailing:
  • writing to:
    The Chief Executive Officer
    GPO Box 2469
    Brisbane QLD 4001

k. How to make a privacy complaint:
Inquiries, feedback and complaints concerning privacy can be emailed to privacy@yourtown.com.au or made in writing to:
The Chief Executive Officer
GPO Box 2469
Brisbane QLD 4001

l. Refund policy:
Every endeavour will be made by yourtown to ensure that supporters of our Art Unions and Donors are provided with clear and concise information when purchasing Art Union tickets or making a donation. In accordance with Australian consumer law, yourtown is not obligated to provide a refund for any ‘change of heart’ decision related to the purchase of a ticket in our Art Unions or donations made to yourtown. However, where an individual believes that an administrative error has been made by them or yourtown, then yourtown will consider the refund on a case-by-case basis in the existing Art Union. Where we have made an error or where there has been a genuine mistake made by the purchaser, yourtown will provide a refund in accordance with legislative requirements or specific Art Union licence conditions. Refund only valid in an open Art Union. 

7. myplace Bonus Draws – Luxury Prize Home

a. myplace Exclusive Gold Bullion Draw (10 per year)
On the nominated day of the Luxury Prize Home Art Union Draw, there will be an exclusive draw for myplace members for a prize value of $10,000 Gold Bullion

  • The myplace Exclusive Gold Bullion Draw closes at 10pm AEST on the nominated Art Union close day
  • An electronic draw will be conducted at Suite 5 Cordova St, Milton QLD 4064
  • Winners will be notified by telephone on each draw day and by registered post. All official results will be published on our website at yourtownprizehomes.com.au/winners

b. myplace Exclusive Gold Bullion Draw – Entry Entitlement

  • The criteria for entry in the myplace Exclusive Gold Bullion Draws are:

- Possession of a valid ticket/s in the current Luxury Prize Home Draw, and
- An active banking auto-instruction (for charging credit card or debiting a nominated bank account)

  • If your credit card or direct debit is declined, you will not be eligible for the Bonus Draw until a successful transaction is completed
  • Your Bonus Draw entitlement chances will be based on how many myplace ticket/s you set automatically in total per Art Union
c. myplace Weekly Bonus Draws – starting 6 January 2023
There will be a Weekly Bonus Draw for myplace members for a prize valued at $1,000 on nominated days as per the Draw specific T&Cs. Dates are listed on our website and on ticket/s for the duration of each year (excluding Queensland and national public holidays in which it will be drawn on the previous working day).
  • myplace Weekly Bonus Draws close on the nominated dates listed in the Draw specific Terms and Conditions
  • An electronic draw will be conducted each Friday (except when Friday is a public holiday) at Suite 5 Cordova St, Milton QLD 4064
  • Winners will be notified by registered post. All official results will be published on our website at yourtownprizehomes.com.au/winners

d. myplace Weekly Bonus Draw – Entry Entitlement

  • The criteria for entry in the Weekly Bonus Draws are:

- Possession of a valid ticket/s in the current Luxury Prize Home Draw,
- An active banking auto-instruction (for charging credit card or
debiting a nominated bank account)

  • If your credit card or direct debit is declined, you will not be eligible for the weekly prize draws until a successful transaction is completed
  • Your Weekly Bonus Draw entitlement chances will be based on how many myplace ticket/s in total per weekly draw

e. myplace Mid Year Draw & End of Year Draw – starting 6 January 2023

There will be a myplace Mid Year Draw on Monday, 26 June 2023; and a myplace End of Year Draw on Friday, 22 December 2023. Each draw is valued at $25,000

i. myplace Mid Year Draw (drawn Monday, 26 June 2023) – Entry Entitlement
The criteria for entry in the myplace Mid Year Draw are:

- Possession of a valid myplace ticket/s in Luxury Prize Home Draws commencing January 2023 up to and including June 2023, and
- An active banking auto-instruction (for charging credit card or debiting a nominated bank account)

  • If your credit card or direct debit is declined, your chances in the myplace Mid Year Draw will be reduced 
  • myplace Mid Year Draw entitlement chances are based on the number of draws the customer is a financial myplace member from January to June 2023
  • A customer who has myplace ticket/s in all five consecutive Luxury Prize Home Draws (Draws: 523/524/525/526/527) will have 5 chances in the myplace Mid Year Draw 
  • A customer who has myplace ticket/s in all four consecutive Luxury Prize Home Draws (Draws: 524/525/526/527) will have 4 chances in the myplace Mid Year Draw• A customer who has myplace ticket/s in three consecutive Luxury Prize Home Draws (Draw 525/526/527) will have 3 chances in the myplace Mid Year Draw 
  • A customer who has myplace ticket/s in two consecutive Luxury Prize Home Draws (Draw 526/527) will have 2 chances in the myplace Mid Year Draw 
  • A customer who has myplace ticket/s in Draw 527 will have one chance in the myplace Mid Year Draw 
  • A customer MUST have myplace ticket/s in Draw 527 to be eligible in the myplace Mid Year Draw drawn on 26 June 2023 
  • A customer who has myplace ticket/s in two Luxury Prize Home Draws (523, 524) and cancelled their membership and do not have myplace ticket/s in Draw 527 will not be eligible for the draw

ii. myplace End of Year Draw (drawn Friday 22 December 2023) – Entry Entitlement
The criteria for entry in the myplace End of Year Draw are:

- Possession of a valid myplace ticket/s in Luxury Prize Home Draws commencing January 2023 up to and including December 2023 (10 Draws); and
- An active banking auto-instruction (for charging credit card or debiting a nominated bank account)

  • If your credit card or direct debit is declined, your chances in the myplace End of Year Draw will be reduced 
  • myplace End of Year Draw entitlement chances are based on the number of draws the customer is a financial myplace member from January 2023 to December 2023
  • A customer who has myplace ticket/s in all ten consecutive Luxury Prize Home Draws (Draws: 523/524/525/526/527/528/529/530/531/532) will have 10 chances in the myplace End of Year Draw 
  • A customer who has myplace ticket/s in all nine consecutive Luxury Prize Home Draws (Draws: 524/525/526/527/528/529/530/531/532) will have 9 chances in the myplace End of Year Draw 
  • A customer who has myplace ticket/s in all eight consecutive Luxury Prize Home Draws (Draws: 525/526/527/528/529/530/531/532) will have 8 chances in the myplace End of Year Draw 
  • A customer who has myplace ticket/s in all seven consecutive Luxury Prize Home Draws (Draws: 526/527/528/529/530/531/532) will have 7 chances in the myplace End of Year Draw 
  • A customer who has myplace ticket/s in all six consecutive Luxury Prize Home Draws (Draws: 527/528/529/530/531/532) will have 6 chances in the myplace End of Year Draw 
  • A customer who has myplace ticket/s in all five consecutive Luxury Prize Home Draws (Draws: 528/529/530/531/532) will have 5 chances in the myplace End of Year Draw 
  • A customer who has myplace ticket/s in all four consecutive Luxury Prize Home Draws (Draws: 529/530/531/532) will have 4 chances in the myplace End of Year Draw
  • A customer who has myplace ticket/s in three consecutive Luxury Prize Home Draws (Draw: 530/531/532) will have 3 chances in the myplace End of Year Draw
  • A customer who has myplace ticket/s in two consecutive Luxury Prize Home Draws (Draw: 531/532) will have 2 chances in the myplace End of Year Draw
  • A customer who has myplace ticket/s in Draw 532 will have one chance in the myplace End of Year Draw
  • A customer MUST have myplace ticket/s in Draw 532 to be eligible in the myplace End of Year Draw drawn on 22 December 2023
  • A customer who has myplace ticket/s in two Luxury Prize Home Draws (528, 529) and cancelled their membership and do not have myplace ticket/s in Draw 532 will not be eligible for the myplace End of Year Draw


f. Update myplace Payment Details Bonus Draw – Entry Entitlement
On the nominated day of the Luxury Prize Home Art Union Draw, there will be an exclusive draw for myplace members for a prize value of $500 Woolworths WISH Gift Card

  • The Update myplace Payment Details Bonus Draw closes on the nominated Art Union close day
  • An electronic draw will be conducted at Suite 5 Cordova St, Milton QLD 4064
  • Winners will be notified by registered post on each draw day. All official results will be published on our website at yourtownprizehomes.com.au/winners

8. myplace Bonus Draws – Prestige Car

a. myplace Exclusive Gold Bullion Draw (6 per year)
On the nominated day of the Prestige Car Art Union Draw, there will be an exclusive draw for myplace members for a prize value of $5,000 Gold Bullion

  • The myplace Exclusive Gold Bullion Draw closes at 10.00pm AEST on the nominated Art Union close day 
  • An electronic draw will be conducted at Suite 5 Cordova St, Milton QLD 4064 
  • Winners will be notified by telephone on each draw day and by registered post. All official results will be published on our website at yourtownprizehomes.com.au/winners

b. myplace Exclusive Gold Bullion Draw - Entry Entitlement

  • The criteria for entry in the myplace Exclusive Gold Bullion Draws are:

- Possession of a valid ticket/s in the current Prestige Car Draw, and
- An active banking auto-instruction (for charging credit card or debiting a nominated bank account)

  • If your credit card or direct debit is declined, you will not be eligible for the Bonus Draw until a successful transaction is completed
  • Your Bonus Draw entitlement chances will be based on how many myplace ticket/s you set automatically in total per Art Union.


9. Prepaid Membership

Customers who have a pre-pay in advance subscription for Luxury Prize Home Draws and /or Prestige Car Draws are considered as a myplace member and having a myplace membership. Therefore, are eligible for all myplace membership draws where eligibility has been met.


10. Overseas Winners

Winners who reside overseas (outside of Australia) may have the above prizes including vouchers and Gold Bullion substituted for a different prize to the same value in AUD that can both (1) be used in their country of residence and (2) complies with Australian local gaming legislation.